Applicants must include all required information on the applications for
grant. Applications that are incomplete will not be accepted for review.
Grant applications must contain:
A one page cover letter summarizing the project, the amount
requested, and the time table for the project;
A completed grant application;
All attachments listed on the application form.
The Foundation will notify you if additional information is required for
your grant application package. The Foundation reserves the right to
hold consideration of incomplete grant requests until the next grant
consideration date at the discretion of the Foundation board of directors.
Applications for grant should be delivered by Mail Delivery to:
18543 Yorba Linda Blvd. #371 Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Form of Proposal
Applicants must submit a copy of the grant proposal. Do not submit
grant proposals in three-ring notebooks or other large packages.
All proposals are limited to 20 pages in length. This page limit does not
include required attachments.
The Foundation receives numerous grant requests and is unable to fund
all projects, even though those projects may be well-designed and well
Other Requirements
Organizations receiving funds from the Rhynard Family Foundation must
provide a certified statement that the funds received from the Foundation
have been used for the purpose intended. This statement, which must be
signed by the nonprofit’s chief financial officer, must be filed with the
Foundation no later than 18 months after the date such funds are